Description of MarecX binary data format. Files *.dat. Binary MarecX files are pure binary FAT32 format, and as such readable on both PC and Mac computers. File name as follows, xxyyzzww.dat. xx is the year, yy is the month, zz is the day and ww is the serial number captured that date. Binary maximum filesize is 1024 one secon records. Can be smaller if MarecX pwr is lost suddenly. Data will be stored in one second records beginning with the 16 byte GPS block followed with 600 datasamples with 40 byte data from ten channels. Ch1 first ch10 last in 40 byte block. Channel data are 32 bit unsigned integer. Channel data are raw A/D values with span 0->5v. A/D value 262144 equals zero volt. 786432 equals 5 volt. Channel 1 first, ch10 last. A total of 16+600*40= 24016 bytes. All saved data are in little endian format. Sample speed are 600/second and channel 1-10 are sampled synchronously so no time skew against channel data for one sample time. GPS block format is long, lat, speed, COG and timestamp. Long, lat as 32 bit IEEE floats. Speed as 16 bit signed integer x10 to get one decimal. Example, number 67 means 6.7 knots. COG as unsigned 16 bit int x10. Example, number 1283 means 128.3 degrees COG heading. Timestamp will be number of samples since midnight that date.